Best Practice

NQT Special: Develop four outstanding habits

Publish Date: Updated Date: Behaviour CPD Governance and management
As an NQT, ensuring you start as you mean to go on with your CPD is vital. As part of SecEd's NQT special edition, David Weston offers four effective professional development habits.

To become an outstanding teacher you need to prioritise your own learning. It is very easy to exhaust yourself by putting ever more energy in to keeping the proverbial hamster wheel spinning, but sometimes you need to step away from the ever-present piles of planning and marking and give yourself some time to grow. Here are four healthy habits.

Use the marks and grades you are collecting to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a question-by-question analysis of a test can give you a fantastic idea of where your teaching still needs some work. 

Do not leave this until the end of a topic; gather some information during the teaching process to give you pointers for where you need to get support from a trusted colleague.

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