Avoiding discussions about Andrew Tate will allow his influence to go unchecked in your classroom and your school. Peter Radford considers how we can respond constructively

We are hearing increasingly from schools about an upsurge in misogynistic behaviour and attitudes. Many school staff have only latterly become aware of one ignominious Andrew Tate.

Tate’s influence is far-reaching. However, when his message is challenged staff are being met with a defensive backlash from teenage boys. Some schools have decided to avoid any mention of him on the grounds that doing so might then “advertise him” to students.

I disagree. To ignore him and avoid these challenging conversations arguably allows his influence to increase unchecked and leaves girls feeling powerless and frustrated in responding to the misogyny they experience.

It also misses vital opportunities to educate and support boys. As Lucy Emmerson wrote in SecEd earlier this year when discussing Andrew Tate: “Misogyny is not new, and it’s not made by children. It is important that boys are not blamed for its existence, and that there is a focus on the choices people have about how to behave in different situations they may encounter now and in the future.”

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