Best Practice

Lockdown: Five ideas for maintaining your team’s morale

Many of us are finding the third national lockdown much tougher than those that have gone before. Dr Pooky Knightsmith offers five simple ideas that will help us to maintain the morale and wellbeing of our colleagues and school teams

Things are hard. Morale is low for many and it can feel hard to know what to do. In this article, I explore five ideas to help you to chart these tricky waters. These ideas were first shared in a webinar I presented at the start of term and have helped some teams already; I hope they will help yours too.

“I used to have a five-year plan … now I’m working to a five-day plan if I’m lucky – but I’ve found great value in knowing and sharing my plan with my team.”

Uncertainty is hard for everyone: it is hard for you, for your team, for your pupils and for their families. You have probably found that people are increasingly looking to you for reassurance and guidance, which is hard when none of us know quite what will happen next.

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