Best Practice

Award-winning ideas for effective pastoral care in schools

Effective pastoral care in schools comes in many forms. In this article Phil Jones draws on the work of National Association for Pastoral Care in Education award-winning schools to highlight examples of pastoral innovations and good practice
Pastoral care: A secondary school student enjoying her work in the classroom - Adobe Stock

Recent years have seen a focus on inclusion. The pastoral systems and structures in schools support inclusion and the socialisation and personal development of learners.

Effective pastoral care enables young people to understand their lives and the world they live in and make sense of their learning experience.

It provides the foundations for all learners to achieve and prepares them for the opportunities and challenges in their future lives.

The National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE) has for 42 years been sharing research and ideas about the contribution effective pastoral care and support can make to the learning experience of children and young people.

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