Best Practice

How to show students the relevance of English: Practical ideas

How can we ensure that our English lessons speak to our students’ lived experiences and thus engage their attention and allow them to see the vital relevance of this core subject? Matt Bromley advises
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In a recent video for the Let’s Talk English series, I argued that English was the most important subject on the school timetable.

Of course, I wasn’t suggesting that all other subjects are irrelevant. Far from it. We need to teach students a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare them for future success.

We should aim to create Renaissance men and women with background knowledge in lots of disciplines so they understand the world around them. Knowledge begets knowledge. The more you know the easier it is to know more.

But of all these important subjects, English – I argued – was the most important because the English language is how students process and acquire knowledge and skills. It is how students communicate outside of school, giving them a voice, ensuring they are heard and understood, it connects them with people from different cultures and backgrounds, fostering global understanding and collaboration.

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