Best Practice

Getting parental communication right

Publish Date: Edit Date: Parental engagement Whole-school issues
Less can be more when it comes to meaningful parental engagement. Sue Atkins advises on the importance of establishing good home-school communication from day one

As parents of new year 7s start thinking about uniforms and school bags and the new route to school, the senior leadership team is often more concerned about how best to build those important bridges between home and school.

Making the transition from primary school to secondary school can be a heady mix of excitement combined with trepidation. And not just for the pupils.

So, in September as the new cohort enters the school gates in oversized blazers and school bags almost as big as many of them – what can schools do to engage with their parents from the very beginning?

We all lead busy lives and parents are no exception. While technology has undoubtedly made life simpler to receive and send information to parents, it can also lead to information overload.

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