
Best Practice

Embedding enterprise education across curriculum subjects

With specific workplace skills in high demand, the time has come for applied learning to be embedded across the curriculum. The programmes, resources and expertise of Young Enterprise are showing schools how...
Image: Young Enterprise

The need to cover a breadth of knowledge and content in the secondary curriculum means that the task of preparing young people for the world of work can often be forgotten.

At the same time, students often fail to see the relevance of what they are learning and how this will be useful to them in the future.

But by taking a more holistic approach to teaching and learning, young people can be better prepared for life beyond school.

“The workplace is completely different from being in education,” Sharon Davies, chief executive of Young Enterprise told SecEd. “But we have to use those school years to provide our children and young people with the windows of opportunity to see and experience the skills they will need for the future.”

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