Best Practice

Curriculum development: Two key questions

Teachers talk a lot about pedagogy, but often neglect to discuss the curriculum and how it translates into their lessons. Curriculum specialist Stephen Rollett looks at how we can have high-quality conversations about what we teach...

The education spotlight has turned firmly on the curriculum as a result of Ofsted’s new Education Inspection Framework (EIF). That is something we welcome because the content of our lessons – what we actually teach our students – is at the heart of education.

But it also presents us with challenges about how we think about and develop the curriculum, not for the sake of Ofsted inspections, but in the best interests of our students. Happily, getting the latter right will also help with the former.

Knowing the right questions to ask is a good starting point. And here are two essential questions which will help you to evaluate what you do and inform high-quality curriculum conversations with colleagues.

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