Best Practice

Computing: Closing the gender gap

One of the keys to making computer science a success is to close the stark gender gap. Dave Gibbs looks at how we can get more girls to consider the subject

Computer science is hard. This is according to some well-known names in computing education and this sits alongside the results day news that students are likely to do less well in computer science than in mathematics, business studies, design and technology and most other subjects, even after accounting for “innate ability”.

I am confident this isn’t an intractable problem, but that there are a range of causes for the current situation.

In computing, only 26 per cent of teachers have a relevant degree qualification – lower even than ICT, which hovered at around 30 to 35 per cent for years.

Compare this to physics, where 62 per cent of teachers have a relevant degree, and biology where 82 per cent are subject specialists.

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