Best Practice

Case study: Transforming your homework policy

Work to boost the quality of the homework being set by teachers in one school has improved staff workload while also having an impact on teaching and learning. Aimee Williams explains
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Homework. Love it or hate it, one thing is indisputable: it is one of the hottest topics of discussion within schools and among students and parents.

In recent years, many schools have overseen changes in their homework policies and our school – The King’s CE Academy in Kidsgrove – is no exception.

While we have found a “no-homework” policy pleases only a few, having a table of creative but generic homework tasks for teachers to choose from – differentiated using chilli peppers! – infuriates the masses.

For some parents, no matter how much homework is set it will never be enough. For others, trying to fit homework in between a 12-hour work shift, extra-curricular clubs, and family life is a logistical nightmare.

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