Best Practice

Case study: Focus on teaching and learning

Publish Date: Updated Date: Senior leadership
Charged with improving teaching quality at her school as part of its journey to outstanding, Amos Wardell describes some of the actions she took.

At Ellis Guilford we firmly believe in our ethos: “Be your best.” Being a member of the school community means being willing to be challenged to be your best at all times. The school has worked hard to forge links with the community and develop relationships with parents through text and email surveys, and half-termly Parent Forum events. We believe in the importance of a positive school culture, and have begun creating this through our tutor programme, a house system and values-based assemblies.

That said, the school faces several challenges; students come from diverse backgrounds, with 60 per cent Pupil Premium. A number of our students also have English as an additional language and SEND. While grades had been on an upward trend, in our Ofsted inspection in 2013, the school was deemed to have serious weaknesses.

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