Best Practice

A huge impact on reading: The School Librarian of the Year 2019

From reading challenges to awards and visits, Ros Harding – the School Librarian of the Year 2019 – has been recognised for the wide range of literacy initiatives she undertakes with students. Emma Lee-Potter finds out more

Librarian Ros Harding has made a huge impact on reading at the Chester school where she works.

She does everything from recommending new books to pupils at The King’s School Chester to supporting independent learning in the sixth form. She runs book clubs and quizzes, organises author visits and Skype calls, and leads the annual school book awards.

Ms Harding has also pioneered a reading reward scheme for years 7,8 and 9. Pupils must read six books to achieve bronze, silver and gold levels, winning a prize of chocolate when each level is signed off. When they get to gold level they win a £5 book token.

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