More than 1,000 free places are being created on courses designed to reduce the UK’s cyber skills gap.

The CyberFirst courses for 14 to 17-year-olds are being delivered by QA and the National Cyber Security Centre alongside the Smallpiece Trust. A total of 1,150 free places are being offered at 23 five-day courses across Britain in July and August 2018.

They range from the introductory to the advanced and will give students an insight into the world of cyber security, as well as the tools, knowledge and skills required. Several girls-only courses have been added to this year’s programme to tackle the gender gap in the sector.

CyberFirst Defenders will see 14 and 15-year-olds learn about the Internet of Things, securing smart devices and protecting themselves from cyber breaches.

CyberFirst Futures will teach teens aged 15 and 16 about why cyber-attacks occur, securing smart devices and networks, and cloud storage.

CyberFirst Advanced is open to students aged 16 and 17. It includes lessons on cyber-crime, protecting digital communications and network vulnerabilities.
