Best Practice

SEND: Busting common EHCP myths

Since the introduction of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) as part of the wide-ranging SEND reforms of 2015, some questionable practices have risen at local authority level. SENCO Garry Freeman busts some myths about what is required and discusses practices that should be challenged...

In March 2018, Damian Hinds spoke at length to address issues and concerns around teacher workload. He said that many factors affect workload and that any solutions would need to be multi-faceted and implemented over a period of time – no instant panaceas.

The secretary of state rightly drew attention to the efforts of governments since 2014 to both consult on and address the issue.

He was quite clear that we were learning that what we had thought were appropriate things for teachers to do were in fact taking teachers away from those truly high-impact things in their daily experience of teaching and learning – and often exhausting them in the process.

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