
Teacher voices pornography fears

Boys accessing pornography is increasing the risk of violence against women and girls, a conference has heard.

Ms Porter, a member of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, called for action to raise awareness of the potential damage to young people due to the inappropriate exposure to pornography. 

She said: “Young people’s viewing of pornography is linked to risky behaviour such as having sex at a young age. Boys are more likely to seek deliberate access to porn than girls, but girls are likely to suffer the effects of boys’ indulgence. Many girls, as young as 11, are terrified to walk down busy school corridors, for fear of being groped.

"This is a waking-nightmare for pubescent girls who are just starting to come to terms with their physical changes. We owe it to them to support the work of the End Violence Against Women coalition.”

An ATL survey recently found that half of respondents had seen an increase in sexually explicit conversations among pupils in the last five years.