
Teacher recruitment targets hit in just four secondary subjects

The recruitment crisis continues as new figures show that the DfE has missed its overall ITT target for the fourth year running, with some key EBacc subjects being hit hard. Pete Henshaw looks at the figures

There is no end in sight for the teacher recruitment crisis after the latest teacher training figures revealed that Department for Education (DfE) targets have been missed for the fourth year in succession.

At secondary level, only four subjects managed to recruit in excess of their targets, with key disciplines such as computing, physics and mathematics falling well short.

Within the figures, the target for the recruitment of teachers in EBacc subjects was missed by around 700 (11,853 recruited against a target of 12,541). Non-EBacc subjects have been hit particularly hard, missing their collective recruitment target of 5,146 teachers by 25 per cent (3,860 recruited).

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