This week's resources and news round-up includes an app addressing issues of self-harm, details of a programme of live streamed lessons from the Royal Shakespeare Company, information on the 9th National Pupil Premium and Ofsted Conference, and details of the government's recent SEN funding announcement

A NEW free app is helping young people who self-harm or feel suicidal.

Entitled distrACT, it has been created by doctors, psychologists, young adults, and experts in self-harm and suicide prevention. It is aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, the UK has the highest number of people who self-harm in Europe and it is estimated that 10 per cent of young people self-harm – two in every secondary classroom.

The app, for iPhone and Android, divides content into six areas:
• Facts and figures about self-harm, including dangers and warning signs.
• Self-help: dealing with feelings, managing the urge, distracting yourself, safer alternatives.
• Support: talking to family, healthcare, helplines.
• Local support: access to links with local information.
• Emergency: first aid, feeling suicidal, A&E.
• Chill zone: art, videos music and other creative interests.

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