
Leaflets to help schools engage with their parents

A campaign to help schools engage parents as partners in their children’s education has been launched, with a series of supporting leaflets to be developed for schools.

The partnership between family support charity Family Action and the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) will see a series of leaflets produced to encourage parents to work with teachers.

The leaflets will focus on the theme of school readiness and include topics such as good routines, speaking and listening, spending time together, being prepared, and good behaviour.

The NAHT says that with increased pressures on family life, many children are arriving at school having slept insufficiently or not having eaten breakfast. Children can also suffer in homes where there is little routine, communication or input by parents into their learning.

Family Action’s work includes its young carers service which supports young people who are caring for an adult or sibling with an illness or disability.

David Holmes, chief executive of Family Action, said: “From our extensive work with disadvantaged families we know how vital it is that all parents get the support and advice they need to ensure that the home environment really supports learning and that their children are ready to do their best in school each and every day.”