
Proving the value of teaching assistants

Support staff
There must be an awakening to the fact that teaching assistants play a key role in helping to realise pupils’ potential, argues Christine Lewis.

When academe and politics collide, beware cherry-picked “facts” and catchy one-liners that unfortunately tend to stick in the collective consciousness. 

So it has been with recent research findings (including the Sutton Trust’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit) on teaching assistants (TAs) and some of the reporting of them, which has latched on to the idea that they make little difference to pupil progress. As a union for TAs, we are bound to be a bit cheesed off, especially when some heads have quoted the findings in redundancy notices.

Partiality aside, if TAs are not worth the paper children write on, then why are schools in England employing so many (nearly 220,000 in 2011) and spending much of the Pupil Premium on them?

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