
NQT Special Edition: Diary of an NQT – Looking back on my first term

SecEd’s NQT diarist this year is a teacher of citizenship, RE and humanities. As she approaches the end of term one, she reflects on her highs and lows so far

We are nearly in December and my first day as an NQT in September now seems light-years ago.

The routine of school, marking, assessments, planning, more marking, weekend (and repeat) has taken over my life and I have become one of those teachers who counts down to the next holiday. I am not proud of it but really, how else are we to survive?!

My first months as a qualified teacher, while at times stressful, have seen many fantastic moments. Realising that the year 9 class I had dreaded teaching when I first saw them on my timetable are now my favourite class to teach, was a particular highlight. In my PGCE year I struggled with the behaviour of a very similar class to the one I have now. I found myself in constant battles and the students and I never had a really positive relationship.

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