
Funding: Drastic action is needed

The spectre of school finances has been a persistent force since our headteacher diarist took on her first headship. Balancing the books looks likely to be one of the hardest battles she will face...

It didn’t take the submission of the pupil census to see that the finances at my school were still precarious, to say the least.

The result of two requires improvement and a special measures judgement had been an exodus of local children.

We have had reduced student numbers for the past eight years. Our smallest year group has only 87 children on roll; with a PAN of 210 and staffing to match.

The spectre of the finances has lingered over us, even when things have otherwise been going well. In spite of our hard work on our school improvement journey, something needs to change this year. We need to make a sizeable dent in the deficit before we bankrupt our school and our multi-academy trust.

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