
Diary of an NQT: Busy, busy, busy

Firmly settled into her school, our NQT diarist is in the thick of the academic year now and things have become incredibly busy…

Returning from the Christmas break felt great; two short half-terms, the days are becoming longer and brighter...

However, it has caught me by surprise how busy this term is. Chatting with colleagues, everyone seems agreed that while the term is a short one, it is the busiest too. Having said this, so far I have not found this term to be as demanding as the last. I now know the school after a term settling in, I know my pupils and my way around (and where to find the plain paper, the glue sticks when your own stash runs out).

The busy nature of the term has come about because of data, progress and evidencing. It is also due to both my year 10 and 11s sitting mocks – and in our 6th form they are sitting mini-mocks and then mocks as well.

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