
Diary of a headteacher: Distributed leadership

The ultimate vision for our headteacher diarist is for the term ‘line-manager’ to become totally removed from the vocabulary of the school

I have worked under several headteachers throughout my career, some good, some great, some not so great. Looking back, one thing I have realised is that they were all very comfortable with “who they were” as a leader. 

Most of them understood their strengths and limitations and had a very clear philosophy on how they wanted to lead. During my first year of headship I have become increasingly self-aware and I have spent considerable amounts of time reflecting on the way in which I am leading my school.

One aspect of leadership that I am very passionate about is distributed leadership and I believe strongly in its merits. When successful, distributed leadership gives true empowerment to leaders in an organisation and can create self-improving systems and a sustainable culture of improvement among a team of staff. 

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