
Dashing to the Ofsted Dashboard

As Ofsted launches yet another tool for compiling and disseminating statistics about schools, our headteacher diarist continues her fight to keep morale up in school.

I think I am getting old. All of the signs are there, as my joints are stiffening and old rugby injuries are coming back to haunt me. It took two attempts to get into the loft recently.

But nothing could prepare me for the shock of walking into the staffroom to greet prospective applicants for an assistant headteacher position, only to find myself facing what I thought were our latest batch of trainee teachers!

Did I used to look like them, I mused, as I began the school tour. I came to the conclusion that I probably did, but after 30 minutes of walk and talk, I realised they were far better prepared than I was at their stage, or their age for that matter. 

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