
A message to the secretary of state…

Government policy
A week after the election, Stephen Tierney offers his reflections, considers what is ahead, and gives returning education secretary Nicky Morgan some ‘quick wins’


Being totally honest, I have not been sat by my phone waiting for a call – nor do I think Nicky Morgan has been scrambling around desperately trying to find my number for a quick chat and some advice.

I had actually imagined, like most people, that this week we would still be in the complex throes of forming a new coalition government.

My rather shallow analysis of the election is that Labour went left, the Tories went right, and the Liberal Democrats went, well, nowhere. 

The centre ground, occupied by legions of undecided voters, was unoccupied and uncertain voters were left with no obvious party to go to. An unwillingness or inability of Labour to address fears around effectively managing the economy, no meta-narrative for what the country should be and an increasingly “pumped up” David Cameron, playing to the strong Tory suit of the economy, brought the Conservative Party safely home with a little help from UKIP. It had shades of 1992 all over it.

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