Best Practice

Alcohol: Let’s talk about it

PSHE has been branded not good enough at informing young people about alcohol, but there are proven ways to put that right. Anneka Dawson explains.


Teachers charged with delivering PSHE are responsible for covering some of the biggest issues young people may face but with the smallest of opportunities within a tightly scheduled timetable. They can also be some of the first in the firing line when young people’s vices hit the headlines – the most widely reported of which recently has been drinking.

The 2013 Ofsted review of PSHE said that it was “not yet good enough” and that there are gaps in understanding of the physical and social damage associated with alcohol misuse, including personal safety.

With 43 per cent of 11 to 15-year-olds having drunk an alcoholic drink at least once (Fuller, 2013), these gaps in knowledge could be affecting a large proportion of young people, potentially leading to alcohol misuse which has an impact not only on those young people themselves, but also on wider society.

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