Best Practice

CPD: Knowing versus doing

SecEd’s resident CPD expert Phil Parker suggests using e-authoring software for procedural CPD, thus freeing up more time to address learning and teaching topics.

According to the Teacher Development Trust (TDT) a total of 0.5 per cent of a school budget is spent on CPD. (Ontario in Canada spends 10 per cent).

Teachers train for a compulsory 30 hours a year. David Weston, chief executive of the TDT, claims a great deal of this time has no effect or leads to poorly understood and superficial changes. Yet Professor John Hattie’s 800 meta-analyses identifies good CPD as a significant factor in raising pupil achievement. 

The Department for Education’s requirement is for “a culture in which all teachers take responsibility for improving their teaching through appropriate professional development”. It adds: “Professional development ... linked to school improvement priorities and to the on-going professional development needs and priorities of individual teachers.”

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