Best Practice

The key tenets to successful whole-school CPD

A review of international research into effective professional development has set out a number of common approaches to structure and content that make CPD successful. Sarah Coskeran explains

All teachers should have access to powerful professional development that helps them thrive, and their students succeed. However, in reality, as few as one per cent of the professional development opportunities available to teachers in England are of the highest “transformative” quality, according to 2011 research (1).

Improving the quality of teacher development is a key lever for supporting improved outcomes for students’ learning. However, it can sometimes feel hard to identify the best way forward to achieving this. 

In order to help, we worked with TES Global to commission an expert team from Durham University, the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education, and the Institute of Education at UCL, to conduct a review of the international research around effective professional development.

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