Best Practice

Effective computing CPD: Advice and resources

The introduction of the computing curriculum has proved challenging for schools. Mark Dorling looks at what CPD is available and urges school leaders to prioritise teacher support and development

The subject of computing was introduced into the national curriculum in September 2014. In March 2016, schools minister Nick Gibb admitted to a House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee that schools were finding it “very challenging” due to a lack of specialist and experienced teachers.

In 2012, the Royal Society report, Shut Down or Restart?, Identified a shortage of teachers who could teach beyond digital literacy skills and it was highlighted that the government’s own data showed that in 2010 only 33 per cent of ICT teachers were qualified to teach computer science.

To support initial teacher education and ensure a pipeline of suitably qualified and equipped teachers, the Department for Education (DfE) commissioned a panel of experts from the games industry, academia, Computing At School, Naace and teacher training communities to specify the recommended subject knowledge requirements of applicants applying to train as specialists (Subject Knowledge Requirements for Entry into Computer Science Teacher Training, DfE, 2012).

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