
Best Practice

Monitoring: Keeping up-to-speed

E-safety Safeguarding
The risks and threats to student wellbeing and safety are changing all the time, including the vocabulary associated with those risks. Chris Parr speaks to one digital monitoring company about how they keep up

On the face of it, digital safeguarding in schools seems very straightforward: monitor what is said or viewed by pupils online and when something questionable is flagged up, deal with it accordingly.

Indeed, most schools will have policies and processes in place designed to respond quickly and appropriately when red flags are raised. After all, recently updated Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education, states explicitly that it is essential that children at school are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material.

The use of technology has become a “significant component of many safeguarding issues”, the DfE says. According to the guidance, this includes cases of sexual exploitation, radicalisation, and sexual predation.

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